Q) How can I become a member?
A) Shoot regularly as a non-member and join in with the members on volunteer opportunities. Feel free to fill out an application which is available at the counter, but keep in mind that memberships are very limited.
Q) Is there league shooting at PGC?
A) Yes, leagues run for 14 weeks, beginning in early May. Member and non member adults are welcome.
(Q) Is there coaching available at PGC?
A) Yes, most members are very willing to help. Certified instructors that are club members are available by appointment.
Q) Are firearms available for rent?
A) No, the club does not keep firearms on site. The club does own a few guns that are available for use with an appointment.
Q) Do I need firearm safety training to shoot at the club?
A) Yes, youth must have completed Firearm safety training, have their certificate in hand, and demonstrate safe handling of their firearm. Adult supervision is required for new youth shooters. Safety certification is not required for adults, but all must demonstrate safe handling of their firearm.
Q) How do I contact the club?
A) E-mail PGC at info@plymouthgunclub.org.